Tuesday, October 16, 2018


It has been a long time old friend.

How are you? Where have you been? Why don't you stay in touch? What do you mean I don't either? You have always been a drama queen. Screw you. Reminds me of the ruckus we conjured with the dreams of a crow? Those were the days.

Remember how we painted sirens with words and burnt them in cold? Remember how we trudged through dream induced frenzies and sang till we bled from our ears? The dawn was scared of us, the night tiptoed nervously. I always thought you were off scale. The stories you told were not mine to pen, always abstract, always weird. Aberrations.

I am settled now. Seriously, I mean it. Its not a word, its a state. I quite like it. Helps me focus on things when I stand still. I got a job, quit drinking, got married, bought a car, and am now planning to buy a house. But you already know that, don't you? You were there, silent and neutral.

Where were you? Why did you come back? What do you want? Tell me the truth. Don't look at me, just speak your piece and leave. Fine. You were always here. Waiting. I am the one who came back. I am the one who folded. I am the one wearing lies.

So lie to me. Lie like a mother telling her bed ridden child that death will not reach her. Lie like a son telling his dying father that he never resented him. Lie like the promise of tomorrow as opposed to the human condition. Lie like a farewell to a friend. Lie like you would lie to yourself.

Help me fade in the labyrinths of your lies. Drown me in sights and sounds of warmth, take away my memories, my dreams, my frenzied lyrics. The darkness still calls to me. Leave the metronome so I can count, lose count, count the number of times I lose count, lose my mind, count the number of times I lose my mind, and so on. I leave you this husk. Do what you please with it. If I wake up, I don't want to remember. Help me forget, just leave me your song. Sing it to me, would you?

"... cold as a razor blade
tight as a tourniquet
dry as a funeral drum ..."

                                                                                                                        - old friend

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